Tuesday, November 4, 2008

cock talk

1. I don't read the newspapers. This is not because the articles were not interesting, but then somehow I realized that the reports were horrendously, biased. It is almost always the nature, if the government owns the information, they can bend it as they want.

2. It is quite obvious the existence of the internet has reshaped the face of politics worldwide, if not locally. I just got the latest news from web saying that Barrack Obama won the presidential race, making him the first black American to become president. This must be a huge, huge breakthrough. Congratulations to Obama and hopefully the 'change that I can believe in' slogan would be realized.

3. Guys like McCain, I would perceive, would belong like yesteryears. If and only if he campaigned during the early or late 90's, he would definitely become president. If I were to compare McCain with any local politician, it would be Ku Li.

4. You can basically get everything from the internet. I don't care if I don't have the telly, in fact it's been broken for quite some time. My cable bills I think has been outstanding for nearly year. As long the internet is on, I'll be happy as a cat.

5. I've been using the net to get a wider horizon of the news, and compare with the local media. The reporting I've observed are so twisted, you just don't know which is true and which is not. But I would have guessed the readers, or the people has become increasingly conscious (or less interested) of what they read. They can basically distinguish of what is legit , or big time bullshit.

6. After for quite some time here's what I can summarize about the local newspapers:

Utusan : A really, really racist newspaper. The biggest ass kisser of the ruling political party, in which I don't want to reveal whom. I don't even read it, let alone buy it.

Berita Harian : Similar as Utusan. Except it is known as the 'house nigger' from the ruling political party, in which again, I don't want to reveal whom. Their level of bullshitting has taken it to a new level of heights.

Star: Doesn't report the actual news. I usually read it when I am looking for a car or a house. Then again I would just use the net and save my hard earned RM1.20 .

NST: So far the 'least' bullshit newspaper that is controlled by the gov't. The arch enemy of Utusan. I just don't know why. Reports good football news and cars anyway.

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