Sunday, February 15, 2009

BTZ (Better to .. )

1. i've been reluctant to write this article, but then again i'll regret it if i don't. unlike other articles, this is perhaps quite a serious topic. it requires careful articulation, hoping that the reader won't misintepret what i want to channel. then again, it's good to have other sides of opinion. this is, anyway a democratic country. i, in the cyberspace is ready to be flagged should a situation requires. perhaps this is more towards the readers in the local scene, my beloved malaysia.

2. i seek the reader's maturity and discretion to judge this thoughts of mine.

3. i recall reading an article by the youngest mufti elected in the country, which is unfortunately i forgot his name. i shall look it up and quote it later in my blog. in my opinion, i'd guess he's one of the most calibre (and decorated i guess) mufti in the country, which brings the nations' attention to rejuvenate the role of mufti in this country that has been in a terrible state of decline ever.

4. his articles written are thought provoking, to everybody in all walks of life. this is not sanctioned to the muslims, but all non-muslims as well. i can honestly admit am not a pious nor religious (if you had gone over my past blogs), but i fiercely honor my open state of mind.

5. perhaps his last article (or maybe not) reached out to me in totality and i would like to respond to it.

6. his article discussed the issue of people of our generation (20 onwards) moral decay is due to materialistic expectations from the society. fait accompli, he deduced it's better to zina than marry. this one i totally agree 100%.

7. i mean, let's give a neutral thought about it. Within our society , upon finding a job, we would be expected to settle down by 24 to 30 yrs old. Considering the chances or probability, i would say say most end up in marriage by end 20's .

8. things change , technology and economy would advance through time , but the human behavior will stay intact as long we are biologically intact. we all going to the same phase of life, and we would always experience the chance to love another partner. that's life and that's a face everyone would agree.

9. However the changes can be so fast, much to our disadvantage, and led us to adapt or undertake certain measures that i can be considered unconventional.

10. look at one fact. in the urban area, the economic status of a fresh grad, has been very grieving. the oppressing capitalist economy has caused so much disadvantage that it has damaged every single value in our culture. we have commercialized tradition and culture , and one of them is marriage.

11. Once the 'divine' event has been commercialized, it is very difficult for a normal couple to settle down. Consider the fact, for example marriage costs for a single couple at the cheapest rate is RM20K, which roughly USD5K . A normal working person earns hardly RM2K , a fraction of the marriage cost. This puts a normal young couple a very difficult financial position to assume the total costs , and leading them to even take personal loans, notwithstanding loan sharks !

11a. This is also compounded by highly and frustrating paperworks and nonsense requirements from the religious councils, which only causing unnecessary burden to the applicant.

12. Although the facilities provide an easy way out, this puts these young couple's financial position to be significantly constrained. As a result, they'll be poorer, and it'll lead to high potential of marriage problems later on.

13. The folks however is another story. As we are unintentionally economically advanced, there seems little appreciation of moral and generous values. This would only lead to large disparity of income groups, leading to 'socio-economic' discrimination within the society. Instead advancing forward, our appreciation and values would just only decay to the worst.

14. I don't blame unmarried couples living together , heck i embrace it to justify the injustice of the oppression from the society. the authorities just doesn't care.

Some ideas

1. i would like to apologize to the readers (if there's any) should i have been quite lagging in my updates on my blogs.

2. truth is, i actually have any substance or ideas to write. somehow it requires a situation, or more technically an inspiration to express my thoughts it a more substantial form. i can write all what's happening in my life daily and how terrible it is, but that defeats the purpose why i am blogging in the first place.

3. in another way, i've tried to search for an inspiration, and believe me i have lots of drafts in my posting settings. but screening the substance, well, i'd guess it does not trigger any rather dull subject.

4. this new year so far for me it's difficult, but i'm working my best to achieve outstanding goals i've set last year. they will be some changes, and i'm afraid this year would be a rather significant one. what is it, i don't know.

5. isolating myself and doing things a bit differently gave me a wider perspective of thinking. it doesn't have to be big and creative. just change what i do routinely, and it does gauge a big impact to myself.

6. i'd guess that the major attributes in life. once you're in the comfort zone, you lose the purpose of living. that's the time you'll need to change. not change for the worse, but slightly better. it requires a hell lot of efforts before reaching another comfort zone.

7. the fact is that life is lifeless if we are in order, in a perfect way, just how we plan it. in fact, life never goes to plan. it's the randomness, or the unpredictability, that sets the inspiration of living. the idea comes from a need of change. a need to sustain. a hunger to survive. it's the incompleteness that completes the life out of us.

8. recently i've been taking a lot of public transports to get to a destination i desire. of course it's a little bit harder. so what if i have two cars. it does not make me look poorer if i take the bus to work. but the journey is well worth it. i have observed all walks of life, learned how to plan my time better and learn to be more patient. and i've also managed to sleep instead rushing to the traffic.

9. through that journey inspires me to write. it helped me a lot in my works. being an engineer does not mean applying equations and best practices. sometimes you're in a technical crapper, where you have to come up or troubleshoot a dead end problem, you have to resort a lot of creative ways to form some sort of idea. it comes from different kinds of angles.

10. from then on i've been burning to write several articles that i've considered a taboo and a subject of controversy. i guess i'm prepared for the consequences then on. but what is life without constroversy ?