Tuesday, January 8, 2008

A prelude of things to write ( he.he)

Year of rat.

I was wrong. How ignorant of me. It's not year of dog, but the year of rat. Arggh, I feel so stupid! But it's better to be wrong early than late I guess.

Rat ? How do I interpret the year of rat ? How do we define or our general understanding of a rat ?

Well, there's a lot of perspective about the year of rat.

Generally, modern society defined rats as dirty mammals, creature of plague diseases and all of the dirty attributes associated with it. That's all about it .

How about the positive side ? Rats are generally robust creatures, able to survive almost any where, and self-productive. What that relates to the new year ? Here is my interpretation:

Rats are generally opportunist creatures. They explore and willing to risk to find resources.

One of my resolutions in 2008 is to channel my thoughts in this blog. I think it's healthy, rather keeping it to myself, and at the same time it'll bring me something back too. I've managed to list some topics so that I can be pretty much occupied to write;

  • Cars : Best of 2007 and what to look for in 2008
  • Experience : Properties chasing for people like us
  • The evil inside: Having a spare tire
  • The joys of : My personal list of booze in getting wasted
  • Issue : Charity - sincerity or plain hypocracy ?
  • What would you do of : If you had RM10 k ?
  • Home design and architecture : An engineering perspective
A diary might not be appropriate for me to write, because it's bloody routine, and truthfully everyone experiences it in a very much similar way. Why should I write about how am I go to work, sleep, that is the exactly same thing as everyone else ? This is just my opinion. I've got to write something that got substance. I guess this is the only way to record my thoughts in a productive way.

I'm going to be more vulgar. Not just writing neat english and all that. I'm going to write that speaks from myself. So mind if my language is quite coarse, but hey, not everyone is perfect either.